Former Prosecutor With Over 30 Years Of Criminal Law Experience
During the critical moments following your arrest and throughout your criminal court proceedings, you need an experienced Los Angeles criminal attorney on your side. Stephen Sitkoff possesses over 30 years of California criminal law experience as a former senior LA prosecutor one of the most respected criminal lawyers in Southern California. Being prosecuted for a criminal offense is a stressful experience as you face numerous potential life-altering uncertainties. Therefore, it is vital that you seek legal defense representation from an experienced criminal defense attorney with a track record of success defending criminal charges similar to yours. Get a Free Consultation.

Criminal Defense in Los Angeles
Misdemeanor & Felony DUI
The consequences for a DUI conviction can be severe and can include punishments ranging from a license suspension, installation of an IID, mandatory completion of drunk driving education program, and even jail time, especially for repeat offenders.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence related charges can either be prosecuted as misdemeanor or felony crimes depending on a number of factors. Even as a misdemeanor offense, domestic violence related convictions can result in serious punishments that include jail time, restraining orders, and mandatory anger management counseling.
Drug Charges
Drug charges are aggressively investigated and prosecuted in California at both the state and federal levels. The consequences of a drug related conviction can be serious, especially for those accused of possessing or manufacturing drugs with the intent to sell. Punishments can include incarceration, court mandated counseling, asset forfeiture, and even incarceration in county jail or state prison on felony convictions.
Violent Crimes
In California, a violent crime is defined as any crime that involves a serious threat or bodily harm to another or involves the use of a deadly weapon. These offenses carry significant penalties, especially if the crime involves the possession or use of a firearm.
Theft Charges
Theft crimes encompass a wide range of offenses from petty theft, grand theft, and receiving stolen property, to more complex white collar crimes such as embezzlement, fraud, and bribery. The punishment range for a theft related conviction can result in jail time, fines and restitution, probation, and community labor.
Sex Crimes
Sex crime charges carry some of the most punitive punishments imposed in California. The consequences of a sex crime conviction can result in jail or state prison time, mandatory counseling, significant fines and restitution, and in the most serious cases, registration as a sex offender.

Why Contact Us to Discuss Your
Criminal Defense Options?
Mr. Sitkoff applies his extensive criminal defense expertise and courtroom relationships to ensure his clients are vigorously advocated for, both in and out of court. If you have been arrested for a misdemeanor or felony charge or have been targeted for investigation in Los Angeles County, Ventura County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, or Orange County, call us today at (888) 579-4844 for your free no-obligation consultation with our Southern California criminal defense team.
Case results
Exceptional Results for Our Clients
Felony DUI with Injury, Vehicular Manslaughter with Impairment
Client arrested for felony DUI and vehicular manslaughter after being involved in a fatal collision with a pedestrian. After the investigation determined the victim was most likely attempting suicide by intentionally walking into heavy freeway traffic, we were able to negotiate a plea agreement resulting in the dismissal of all felony charges in exchange for a plea to a standard VC 23152(b) misdemeanor DUI with 3 months of DUI classes, 3 years summary probation, and no jail time or felony record. In addition, we also prevailed in the DMV hearing, which resulted in a set aside of the DMV driver’s license suspension.
Misdemeanor Hit and Run – VC 20002(a)
Client arrested on warrant for VC 20002(a) misdemeanor Hit & Run collision, which occurred several months prior to her arrest date. City prosecutor suspected our client fled to avoid a DUI arrest. After successfully arguing that our client left the scene due to the victim’s hostile behavior towards her and that it placed her in reasonable fear for her safety, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss the case after our client completed 14 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and avoided criminal activity for 6 months.
Misdemeanor Assault & Battery – PC 240 & PC 242
Client arrested for Assault and Battery after engaging in a fist fight with another individual. Our office immediately reached out to the victim regarding a Civil Compromise agreement, which we successfully negotiated. As a result of our securing the victim’s cooperation, including his personal appearance in court requesting the charges to be dropped, the case dismissed after a year pursuant to the diversionary sentence our defense team negotiated.