Former Sr. Prosecutors Now Los Angeles Bench Warrant Defense Lawyers
When you fail to appear at a scheduled court date, or violate the terms of your probation you are in the position in which you could expect a bench warrant to be issued with your name on it. This situation is extremely dangerous, and if you are picked up, you will be put directly into jail awaiting a hearing, and the likelihood of being let out is greatly diminished, as you will be considered a flight risk. You will be facing additional penalties for failing to appear and if the bench warrant is related to a probation matter, you could expect certain judges to impose the full jail or prison sentence you avoided by being put on probation.
Warrants and the dangers of incarceration
When you become aware that there is a problem related to a court appearance, probation violation or other matter that has resulted in a bench warrant, it is crucial that you act quickly in contacting a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer from our firm in order to get into action to help you fight to avoid being thrown in jail. Once you are arrested, the situation can become more difficult to resolve. Takakjian & Sitkoff, LLP will immediately take action to get the matter resolved and fight to assist you in avoiding jail time and other repercussions. In some cases, the warrant is an error, as you may not have received the notice to appear due to a move or other problem. The court sends notices to the address they have on file; if you have changed addresses, you could be in trouble.
If you are in the position of having a bench warrant issued with your name on it, we strongly advise you act quickly in contacting us to help you resolve the matter before being picked up. We have extensive experience in all aspects of criminal law and have assisted countless individuals in getting warrant matters resolved without facing further jail time or other penalties. If you have already been arrested, that doesn’t mean that the problem cannot be resolved. What is vital is that the matter is sorted out without delay, and we are here to help.