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Irvine Petty Theft Attorneys | Orange County Theft Defense Lawyers Since 1987 In California, Petty Theft is a criminal charge involving the taking another’s property (valued at $950 or less) without permission nor consent. While Petty Theft in Irvine is most often prosecuted as a misdemeanor theft crime in Harbor Court, it can be elevated to a felony offense if certain aggravating circumstances exist. Irvine Petty Theft lawyers Eugene Hanrahan and Stephen Sitkoff have specialized in Irvine Petty Theft defense for over 3 decades.
Fullerton Petty Theft Attorneys | Theft Defense In Fullerton Since 1987 Are you facing petty theft or shoplifting charges in Fullerton? Shoplifting and other modes of petty theft carry consequences most do not consider until after the fact. While most petty theft/shoplifting cases are charged by Fullerton prosecutors as misdemeanor theft crimes, a theft-related conviction, even as a misdemeanor, can still result in a criminal record, which can adversely impact future and current employment opportunities, citizenship eligibility, and professional licensing.
Pomona Theft Attorney Theft crimes can take various forms, such as employee theft or embezzlement, petty theft, grand theft, shoplifting, fraud and receiving stolen property. As one of the most common types of California criminal offenses in Pomona, theft crimes are prosecuted aggressively.
Criminal Defense Attorneys In Hollywood Since 1987 If you have been arrested for a criminal charge in Hollywood, your next step should be to contact an attorney with extensive experience practicing criminal defense in Hollywood. Whether you are facing a first criminal offense or have prior criminal history, call our Hollywood criminal defense lawyers today. During your FREE CONSULTATION, we will advise you of your options and each of your possible case outcomes.
Sitkoff & Hanrahan, LLP |Domestic Violence Defense in Pomona Since 1987 Pomona domestic violence crimes include acts involving force or the threat of force committed upon members of a protected class. Whether the alleged victim is your spouse, ex-spouse, dating partner, ex-dating partner, family member, an act of violence or threat of violence would be considered domestic violence. The District Attorney’s office in Pomona Court is known to be among the toughest prosecutors in Los Angeles County when it comes to domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Prefile Investigations Attorneys in Los Angeles Los Angeles Domestic Violence cases often begin with your arrest. However, in some cases, law enforcement may elect to investigate the Domestic Violence allegations before deciding to arrest you. Otherwise known as a Prefile Investigation, it is during this period that a detective will be assigned to investigate your case in order to gather evidence against you.
Van Nuys Petty Theft Attorneys | Southern California Theft Defense Lawyers Since 1987 Most often associated with PC 459.5 Shoplifting, Petty Theft involves taking another’s property (valued at $950 or less) without the owner’s permission nor consent. Another element of Petty Theft is you must also have the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property. Although Petty Theft is typically charged as a misdemeanor theft crime in Van Nuys, it can be prosecuted as a felony theft charge in certain circumstances.
Pasadena Hit And Run Lawyers | Pasadena Criminal Defense Since ’87 If you have been cited or received a letter from the Pasadena police department regarding a Hit and Run investigation, it is necessary for you to prepare for what can happen next by contacting an experienced criminal defense lawyer with expertise in defending Hit and Run charges in Pasadena. Speaking with the police or even an insurance adjuster before consulting with legal counsel can adversely affect your defense attorney’s ability to obtain the best outcome for you.
Santa Monica Drug Possession Lawyers Since 1987 | Former Sr. Narcotics Prosecutors In Santa Monica and throughout Los Angeles County, possession of a controlled substances is classified into 5 categories under the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act. The criminal consequences for illegal possession of prescription drugs and “street drugs” can vary depending on the amount you possessed whether you intended to distribute, and the specific substance you had in your possession. Typically, drugs with greater potential for abuse, such as Cocaine, Heroin, and Methamphetamine are punished more severely than lower level drug charges, such as possession of Marijuana.
Santa Monica Hit And Run Lawyers Since 1987 | Former Sr. Prosecutors Have you been arrested or placed under investigation for a Hit and Run in Santa Monica? Former Sr. Los Angeles prosecutors, Eugene Hanrahan and Stephen Sitkoff, have both practiced criminal law for over 3 decades with defense expertise in Santa Monica Hit and Run cases.
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Stephen Sitkoff

Stephen Sitkoff

Partner and Criminal Defense Attorney

Stephen Sitkoff is a partner at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. who started his legal career as a deputy district attorney more than 30 years ago prosecuting cases throughout the LA criminal court system in Southern California.
James Kim

James Kim

Senior Case Analyst

James possesses over a decade of legal experience and serves as the firm’s senior case analyst handling the initial calls from prospective clients.