Santa Monica Prostitution Defense

Free Criminal Case Review at 888-579-4844

Santa Monica Prostitution Lawyers Since 1987

Whether you have been arrested for Prostitution through an undercover sting operation conducted by Santa Monica Police Department or through a police sting operation or were observed by police soliciting a prostitute, it is imperative that you seek the advice of an experienced Santa Monica criminal defense lawyer with expertise defending Prostitution and Solicitation cases in the LAX Courthouse. Santa Monica Prostitution defense lawyers, Eugene Hanrahan and Stephen Sitkoff, are former senior prosecutors with the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office. Mr. Hanrahan and Mr. Sitkoff utilize their 70 plus years of combined criminal law experience, as well as their relationships with each of the judges and prosecutors in Airport Court to ensure our clients avoid jail and in many cases, Prostitution or Solicitation convictions.

PC 647(b) – Prostitution And Solicitation

The California sex crime of Solicitation and Prostitution described under California Penal Code section 647(b) states:

Any person who solicits another for an act of prostitution is guilty of solicitation, whereas any person who agrees to engage or engages in any lewd act for money or other considerations is guilty of prostitution.
As a “straight misdemeanor” criminal offense, PC 647(b) cannot be charged as a felony sex crime. However, a misdemeanor Prostitution or Solicitation conviction can result in jail time, especially for those with prior convictions. Furthermore, the embarrassing stigma caused by a Prostitution conviction on your criminal record can adversely affect your career ambitions or cause immigration consequences.

Keeping A PC 647(b) Conviction Off Your Criminal Record

Although most first offenders avoid jail time, the most damaging consequence of a Santa Monica Prostitution conviction is the impact on your background. Since most prospective employers require background checks to vet applicants, it is critical that you retain an experienced Santa Monica criminal defense lawyer to defend you. A skilled Prostitution defense attorney can negotiate compromised dispositions with Santa Monica city prosecutors, which can involve plea agreements to either lesser charges of Disturbing the Peach, Trespassing, or Loitering, or complete dismissal of your Prostitution charge by way of Deferred Entry of Judgment (DEJ).

Penalties For Solicitation And Prostitution In Airport Court

The punishment you face for soliciting a prostitute in Santa Monica is greatly influenced by your prior history of solicitation and prostitution. While a first-time solicitation or prostitution charge does not carry mandatory jail time nor is it a sex offender registrable crime in Airport Court, it is categorized as a priorable offense. Therefore, the mandatory punishments become more severe with each prior PC 647(b) conviction. If charged with Solicitation or Prostitution in LAX Court, you face the following punishments:

  • Up to 1 year in jail
  • Up $1,000 fine
  • Up to 3 years of summary or unsupervised probation
  • Community labor/service
  • Completion of HIV Awareness program
  • Up to 30-day driver’s license suspension if the offense was committed within 1,000 feet of a private residence and with the use of a vehicle

If you have a prior PC 647(b) conviction, you face the following sentencing enhancements:

  • Prostitution Sentencing Enhancements:
  • 45 days of mandatory minimum jail time with 1 prior conviction
  • 90 days of mandatory minimum jail time with 2 or more prior convictions

Call Now For A Free Confidential Case Review With An Experienced Santa Monica Prostitution Attorney

Contact Sitkoff & Hanrahan, LLP today for a free case analysis. Call us 24/7 at (310) 861-6753. Since 1987, we have proudly served the following West Los Angeles communities: Santa Monica, Marina Del Rey, Malibu, Beverly Hills, Westwood, Brentwood, Bel Air, Pacific Palisades, and Venice

Stephen Sitkoff

Stephen Sitkoff

Partner and Criminal Defense Attorney

Stephen Sitkoff is a partner at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. who started his legal career as a deputy district attorney more than 30 years ago prosecuting cases throughout the LA criminal court system in Southern California.
Eugene Hanrahan@2x

Eugene Hanrahan

Partner and Criminal Defense Attorney

Eugene Hanrahan is both a former federal and county prosecutor and partner at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. with two decades of criminal law experience. Mr. Hanrahan’s criminal defense expertise ranges from misdemeanors to serious, complex felony cases.
James Kim

James Kim

Senior Case Analyst

James possesses over a decade of legal experience and serves as the firm’s senior case analyst handling the initial calls from prospective clients.