
Free Criminal Case Review at 888-579-4844
California Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists and Former Senior Prosecutors, Specializing In Criminal and DUI Defense Finding the Right Attorney Whether this is your first time going through the justice system, or you have been before, it is important to retain an attorney while going through the process. Even seasoned lawyers will take the time to retain another attorney to handle their own legal matters. This is because the law can vary widely depending on the location and field.
Former Sr. Prosecutors Now Long Beach Petty Theft Shoplifting Defense Attorneys If you have been recently cited or arrested for petty theft shoplifting San Pedro, Signal Hill or anywhere else in the Long Beach area, you likely have an upcoming court appearance at the Long Beach Courthouse.  Whether you are facing first theft-related offense or you have an extensive criminal record, it is important that you, at the minimum, consult with a criminal defense attorney with experience defending theft crimes in Long Beach Courthouse.
California PC 487(a) – Grand Theft Penalties The crime of grand theft in California is defined as theft committed where the money, labor, or real or personal property taken has a value exceeding nine hundred fifty dollars ($950). There are many variations of grand theft ranging in criminal sophistication from shoplifting over $950 in merchandise to defrauding investors of hundreds of thousands of dollars through a ponzi scheme. Whichever variation of grand theft you find yourself prosecuted for, you face a wide range of potential penalties if convicted.
Former DUI Prosecutors Now West Los Angeles Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers If you have been recently arrested In West LA for a DUI, it is imperative that you seek a qualified criminal defense lawyer with experience defending drunk driving charges out of LAX Airport Court. Even if this is your first DUI, or criminal offense for that matter, you face a number of mandatory penalties if convicted that can carry consequences that extend beyond the immediate sentence.
California Domestic Violence Penalties A domestic violence (DV) related conviction not only carries a shameful stigma, but the consequences extend beyond the already harsh penalties, some of which are mandatory regardless of whether it is a first offense or not.
The Right California Lawyers for Voluntary and Involuntary Manslaughter There is an important difference between voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter. The term involuntary manslaughter is used to refer to the unintentional killing of a person. It might result from criminal negligence, recklessness, or misdemeanor. The person who commits involuntary manslaughter does not want the victim to die. For example, a person who drives under the influence of alcohol may hit and kill a pedestrian, although killing him was not his intention. Additionally, crimes like theft and burglary can result in involuntary manslaughter charges.
Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys In West Covina If you have been arrested for Domestic Battery or Spousal Abuse, or believe you may be a suspect in a Domestic Violence related criminal investigation, it is critical that you consult with a criminal defense attorney with experience defending Domestic Violence cases out of the West Covina Court. Law enforcement and prosecutors in West Covina take a heavy-handed approach towards Domestic Violence related allegations and arrest are often made with minimal physical evidence.
Former Torrance Prosecutors Now South Bay Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys If you have been arrested or believe you may be a suspect in a Domestic Violence investigation, it is important that you discuss your case with a South Bay criminal defense lawyer with expertise in defending Domestic Violence charges in Torrance Court. Charges of spousal abuse, domestic battery, and other Domestic Violence crimes are prosecuted aggressively in Torrance, and the penalties for conviction can potentially include jail time, anger management, and substantial fines.
Pasadena Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys Since 1987 Penalties for domestic violence can be severe in Pasadena Court. The punishments you face can not only impact your freedom but your reputation, career, and citizenship. Domestic Violence offenses include Domestic Battery, Spousal Abuse, and Criminal Threats with the consequences becoming further enhanced if you are charged with a felony Domestic Violence related crime.
Manhattan Beach Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys | Former Torrance Court Prosecutors Crimes involving violence are considered among the most serious criminal offenses in the Manhattan Beach. All forms of violent crime are prosecuted aggressively throughout the South Bay, and criminal acts involving Domestic Violence charges are no different.
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Stephen Sitkoff

Stephen Sitkoff

Partner and Criminal Defense Attorney

Stephen Sitkoff is a partner at Sitkoff Law Group, Inc. who started his legal career as a deputy district attorney more than 30 years ago prosecuting cases throughout the LA criminal court system in Southern California.
James Kim

James Kim

Senior Case Analyst

James possesses over a decade of legal experience and serves as the firm’s senior case analyst handling the initial calls from prospective clients.